Sam recently went on an extended vacation. She thought that maybe sharing a few thoughts might help you prepare for your long weekend or extended time away from home. (Apologies – I missed getting these up before the long Labor Day weekend!)
Sam offers these short videos: Tips to Prep for Your Vacation
Since they’re short videos, I’ve placed all 4 tips in the post.
Tip 1 is prepping your home so that there are no surprises when you return from your vacation!
No one wants to return home to a bed that needs making before you can hit the sack, or dirty dishes in the sink that makes it frustrating to make a meal. Sam offers a few great tips to prevent potential catastrophes that will quickly ruin a fun vacation!
Tip 2 is prepping your pets for less anxiety on your leaving and less mess on your return home.
Do you have a dog that gets anxious as he watches you start to pack? If so, he’s probably underfoot, whiny, and a bit of a pain. Sam offers a few tips that just might make it easier on everyone!
Tip 3 is prepping your garden.
A couple of brief thoughts on helping to control those pesky weeds while you’re gone!
Tip 4 is for those folks who raise their own chickens.
Sam offers a few ideas to keep them safe and happy with no surprises, hopefully, on your return.
Prepping for Vacation Time can make returning a hundred times more pleasant with a few simple tasks. It’s so nice to return to no dishes in the sink, beds made and ready for you to crash from that ‘relaxing’ vacation, no ants and other bugs because you left food out somewhere, a pet that’s happy your home with no trauma while you were gone, a garden that doesn’t have 10′ weeds growing in it, and, if you have chickens, a hen house that’s happy and just as comfy when you get back as they were when you left.
As you plan for the upcoming holidays, the seasonal tips may change, but the concepts are the same. Prepping for vacation gives greater certainty that you’ll be happy to return. Consider your pets and any anxieties they may have. Be sure any gardening issues or animal care (such as your chickens) are taken into consideration.
Remember: The return from a wonderful time away will be a lot less frustrating if you’re not having to clean before you can sit down and relax. Enjoy that time away!