A row of snow plows ready for a winter storm

There are predictions for potential snow, ice, cold temps … just … YUCK!

Are you ready?

There are some simple things to be ready. Have some foods that you can eat if the electricity should go out for a few hours or a day or two. What kinds of things?

  • tuna fish
  • peanut butter
  • bread with butter or jam
  • items in the fridge that will go bad
    like yogurt, saladings, sandwich meats, milk
  • apples and other fruits you may have
  • cereals
  • cheese, crackers, pepperoni
  • canned fruits
  • snacks

Keep in mind that if it’s really cold, you can place some perishable items in a tin and put in the snow. Of course, most of the time our electricity is not off that long. The point is that when you know there’s a prediction of a winter storm, you can be prepared. Maybe have a gallon or two of water available for drinking. If you have milk, that will be one of the first things you’ll want to use up. Sodas and other beverages will be fine. Also, keep in mind that you can buy milk in a box that does not require refrigeration until you open it. If you have kids, this is especially useful.

storm preparedness with batteries, flashlights, radio, jugs of water, some canned foods

Is this going to feel like a gourmet meal? Of course, not! But you don’t need to go hungry while you wait for the power to come on.

Sleeping Bags, Blankets, and Games

I would add that if you have sleeping bags, use them to stay warm. And if you have battery-powered radios, flashlights, lamps, etc, be sure you know where they are. Always be cautious using oil lamps and candles. If you happen to have a camp stove that you can use outside, you can also cook a small meal. That’s, of course, if the weather isn’t too windy and bitter.

But you can safely survive a bit of inconvenience and, if you’re creative, you can turn it into an indoor picnic adventure with the kids. Pull out some board games, make a blanket tent, dress in layers of clothes, and enjoy. A difficult time can become a memory that you’ll all share in years to come. Be smart. Think ahead. Be prepared.

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