Join Sam and Ellie on their Sustainability Journey!

Seed Starting – No More Prep, Just Do

Seed Starting – No More Prep, Just Do

Start your seeds. Get moving. Stop worrying if it is perfect! If you want to do anything in life you need to be prepared for failure. I forgot to even wet my soil before I planted my seeds. You aren’t alone – just keep plugging away.

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Pizza Cutting Simplicity

Pizza Cutting Simplicity

Next time you make pizza or buy some, try using your kitchen shears to slice through that yummy crust. It will be easy as pie 🍕 – pizza pie that is!

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Easy – Cheap Food Storage

Easy – Cheap Food Storage

Recycle, reduce, and reuse is more than just a methodology taught to children back in the 90s. It is really a way of life. Discover this ‘find’ at your local bakery.

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Coming to Terms

Coming to Terms

Friendships are like sudden summer storms, they can come from the most unexpected situations!

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Elections, pandemics, Jan 6th riot at the Capitol, enough to make your head swim. Welcome to 2021!

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